Announcing an Unprecedented Opportunity to Learn…
The Magic Formula That Makes It Possible
For You Travel The World Solo Confidently!
Do You…
Know you can be more, but struggle with the fear of traveling?
Feel afraid that if you release the fears you’ll offend someone or leave someone behind?
Lack commitment unleashing your fears in a way that supports who you are and what you do?
Realize that your future is undeniably limited unless you can quickly and easily become confident and fearless connecting deeply and authentically with your inner Self
Inez Bracy created Travel With Confidence Group Coaching for those who are tired of waiting for someone to travel with them. This coaching program shows you how becoming Confident frees you to embrace traveling fearlessly. You have ongoing access to Inez and all her teachings. Travel With Confidence clients enjoy one weekly call with Inez designed to support you in living your life by your own design. Clients also receive access to digital recordings, action worksheets and PDF transcripts of each call.
Developed by Inez through years of personally coaching hundreds, Travel With Confidence Group Coaching is your unique opportunity to receive an entire six (6) weeks of coaching covering a solid plan of online and offline strategies, handed to you in easy-to-implement lessons. You’ll learn the most up-to-date, proven strategies, tools, and tactics that have helped Inez and her clients dramatically increase their confidence, love, joy and relationships. You become unapologetically Confident! Best of all, Travel With Confidence Group Coaching was created for those who yearn to travel but lack the confidence.
Does this sound like you?
✔️ You are overwhelmed and don’t know how to start
✔️ Your greatest desire is to experience traveling the world
✔️ You yearn for the confidence to do things solo
✔️ You passionately desire to travel solo but are afraid
Now, be honest with yourself—what is the barrier that blocks YOUR progress to the things you most desire in your life? What is it that keeps YOU from traveling the world? Isn’t it RELUCTANCE—failure to use to capacity the powers with which you have been endowed?
WILLINGNESS—100% use of your talents—would bring you immediate confidence to travel solo confidently. That ability you have, properly directed will enable you to reach any heights to which you aspire, realizing your dreams of traveling confidently that until now seem impossible to attain.
Imagine having someone to help you over the difficult spots, stimulate you to be your best and design your life on your terms. For everything that you wish to do, while traveling, willingness is the one best way of doing it. Inez works with you on finding that one best way so that you can accomplish easily and quickly the things that are required as well as the things you desire.
Are you sick & tired of wishing and hoping that your life were different? Then this is your chance to do something about it and design the life you yearn for. Keep on reading and reserve your spot for this exclusive one of a kind program.
These sessions are guaranteed to give you tools that you can use immediately to change your life. You can change as quickly or as slowly as you desire, it’s up to you.
Travel With Confidence Now!
“Inez, I have only had a few sessions with you. Your wisdom and guidance helped me create a total shift in my mind set. This has occurred in such a short period of time I can only say it is nothing less than amazing. You shared valuable tools that I use to assist me in living a life that is full of joy and abundance. You are a true blessing in my life”.
Session 1: Gain Clarity on Your Desire to Travel
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.” ~Napoleon Hill
In this first session Inez will help you get crystal clear on your desire. Getting crystal clear is the most important step to this program. Getting crystal clear and believing is the first step to success. It’s up to you to take your life back. Have the courage to Travel With Confidence, to speak up and say “NO” when something is presented that is not in alignment with your desire.
Session 2: Reconnect with your Spirituality
“When we grow in spiritual consciousness, we identify with all that is in the world — there is no exploitation. It is ourselves we’re helping, ourselves we’re healing.” ~Dr. V. Govindappa Venkataswam
In this second session Inez will help you connect with your inner SELF, your spirituality. This is not about religion. It is about who you be, who you’re being and how you show up to yourself and the world. This powerful session opens you to allowing, accepting, releasing and receiving all that is yours by Divine Right. It retrains your brain to live non-judgmentally, without viewpoints and having no opinions. You will live from consciousness.
Session 3: Design Your Life
“Trust your instincts.” ~Estee Lauder, Estee Lauder founder
You might be thinking, “Inez, this is not my first rodeo. I’ve paid thousands of dollars to learn how to design my life and I still don’t have it. And now you’re telling me to trust my instincts?” Yes, I will show you how your instinct for YOUR life overrides much of the other things you’ve learned. During this session, you will design traveling for you, your way.
Session 4: Embrace a Clutter-Free Lifestyle
“Clutter is stuck energy. The word “clutter” derives from the Middle English word “clotter,” which means to coagulate – and that’s about as stuck as you can get.” ~Karen Kingston
This session helps you identify how clutter in your environment clogs up your mind. Getting clutter free is of utmost importance to designing your life on your terms, traveling solo confidently. Inez helps you recognize different phases of clutter…the words you speak, the food you eat, your surroundings and your self-talk. Recognizing is the first step to removing the clutter. You’ll be amazed at how light you feel. You’ll LOVE it!
Session 5: Be Confident, Courageous, and Free
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
Have you looked around you and wondered “what happened to me?” Even though you still put on makeup you don’t see yourself, you don’t see your feminine beauty, you’ve lost touch with your essence and joy is elusive. You’re afraid to really look into the mirror because you might start crying and never stop. In this session Inez will show you how to shatter the illusions about who you are and who you’re becoming. She will share tips on loving every bit of you. Rediscover your creativity, the genius of your youth, the artistic outrageous you so your body relaxes and releases like an uncoiling wire. You will love yourself up so that it spills over on everyone you meet. This translates into more travel, and more joy.
Session 6: Learning To Let Go
“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” ~Ann Landers
Letting go can be one of the hardest thing you will ever do. Inez will show you how to move through a process that helps you to ease into letting go or to sever it quickly. Letting go of procrastination, old habits, beliefs that no longer support you, people, and things that are keeping you from traveling solo confidently.
“ Inez, as you know I have gone through some tough times and had to overcome some sizable obstacles. As my coach you have always been accessible, guiding and focusing me on what needs to be done to move to the next level. Your ability to see clearly my vision enabled you to help me stay my course in spite of some serious obstacles. All of this is enhanced by you pleasant and courteous demeanor. I am a very satisfied customer and highly recommend you to my friends and associates.” Felicia
Travel With Confidence
Create a daily routine for becoming unconditionally confident. Your mind, body, and spirit will be revived using daily strategies designed to elevate your state of confident.
In allowing unconditional confidence for yourself you will begin to:
✔️ Think Creatively—be the writer, producer, director and create the soundtrack for your life on your own terms
✔️ Release Your Limitations—stop putting things off (procrastinating), and see yourself into your new life/future
✔️ Believe in Yourself—know that you have everything required to travel confidently
Are you ready to nourish your soul by confidently traveling anywhere you desire?
This six week Travel With Confidence Coaching Program
? Weekly one hour call $1500
? Unlimited emails $497
? 12 quick calls to Inez $287
? Coaching to travel with confidence Priceless
? And much more
Total Value $2284
Your Investment Only $197