Are You Secretly Afraid Of Loving Yourself?


Do you find yourself longing to know “who would I be if I only knew how?”  Because deep inside you feel that something is missing in your life?  You’d love to discover the ‘missing’ piece so that you could face your fear and feel better.

This 4 Week Program Is For You

Love Yourself Unconditionally!  Learn techniques that empower you, to reconnect by loving yourself from the inside out.  My intent is to help you shatter the myths and beliefs, that keep you stuck in your same pattern. Then help you to forge new beliefs that support you in designing and creating the life you desire.  You will gain insights that reinforce your love for yourself helping you go full out for living the life you dreamed of.

Wouldn’t you LOVE to shatter the myths and beliefs, that keep you stuck in your same pattern?

If you’ve been waiting for the right time to break your pattern, you don’t have to wait any longer.  I’ll help you destroy old beliefs and then help you to forge new beliefs that support you in loving yourself unconditionally. You will gain insights that reinforce your love for yourself helping you go full out for living the life you dreamed of.

I’m ready!


This program meets virtually each week for one hour.  Here is an idea of what you will be learning each week:

First Week: The Beginning

It is about who you are, who you’re being and how you show up to yourself and the world.Women throughout the ages have wrestled with those questions. Wrestling with those questions often stop women from living the life they desire simply because of the boundaries they’ve been given. I don’t know about you, but growing up Southern, I learned a whole lot about who I could and could not be, do, or have. We were told to be seen and not heard. Women don’t talk nor laugh out loud. Women MUST keep their real feelings in check i.e. don’t let anyone know what you’re feeling. AND you mustn’t ever let anyone know what you’re really thinking!

  • Start with where you are,
  • Look at what’s happening for you
  • Create what you would like to experience instead.

We’ll set some specific goals to go for during our time together. We’ll move you to a place where you can truly believe that you can love yourself unconditionally.

Second Week: Gain Clarity About What Your Desire

Getting crystal clear is the most important step to this program. It’s up to you to take your life back.

Be crystal clear on your goalsHave the courage to speak up and say “YES”

Dive into your desire for new experiences

Create some imagery for supporting you in loving yourself

Third Week: Crossing the Bridge

The gap between who you are on the inside to who you want to be on the outside will dissolve as we move forward building:

  • Self loveLove Yourself
  • Self-confidence
  • Self-trust

I’ll show you how to shatter the illusions about who you are and who you’re becoming. We’ll take practical steps to disable your fears by showing you how to feel safe and comfortable in your own skin.

Fourth Week: How Your Mind Works

Learn to release or change any beliefs about what you can and cannot do.

Knowing the truth about using self-talk is the most important key to opening the door to unconditional self loveShift old patterns so that you can clearly see how you can do anything you set your mind to.

Filter your thoughts so that you immediately recognize those words and phrases that keep you hanging on to old beliefs. You’ll be amazed at how light you feel. You’ll LOVE it!

Rediscover your creativity

We’ll go through all of your goals, see how far you’ve come and what remains to be accomplished. We’ll create some even bigger steps to take as you move forward. We’ll look at how things have shifted for you and celebrate what you’ve accomplished. Now you’re ready to create your life your way because you love yourself unconditionally.

Take the first step to living the fulfilling life you deserve,  click the link below to get started.

If you are not sure this offer to join me in learning to love yourself unconditionally, live life to the fullest is what you need, please read on.  After my four week learning and growing opportunity, just imagine how your life will improve with hands-on help for:

  • Getting into and staying in the proper mindset
  • Optimizing your time so that you do more of the things you enjoy
  • Easy to implement tips for being confident and courageous
  • Forming friendships with the “right” people
  • Getting more out of your life
  • Creating new thought patterns that support you

And much, much more!

Here is your opportunity to learn how to confidently live your life on your terms because you love yourself unconditionally…and to help you get started quickly making positive changes in your life.


These are your special gifts for joining Today!

  • My book Rejuvenate Your Life! 21 Days to Feel Like a Woman Again Join hundreds of women around the globe who have used this book to change their thoughts about creating the lifestyle they desire. Following the 21 day program gets you excited about your possibilities. This book is currently available for purchase on Amazon but you’ll receive it as a free gift from me for learning to love yourself unconditionally.
  • 52 Inspirational Tips These tips inspire you to continue your journey to being the confident and fearless person you know yourself to be. They support you in staying on track to creating your lifestyle your terms.
  • Simple Pleasures Open this book and change your state immediately! This book helps you make the transition into the Confident, Courageous and Loving woman you know yourself to be.
  • I also promise to give you more surprises while we work together to attract the lifestyle you desire for yourself. Reward yourself with this program.

Click the button below to begin loving yourself unconditionally TODAY!

Facilitated by Inez Bracy, world traveler, teacher, author, coach, and motivational speaker.