Coaching for Solo Travelers
Staying healthy while taking a trip solo boomer woman can be among the greatest gifts you offer yourself! Because it is a financial investment in you as well as your dreams.
This gift permits you to simply be YOU without having any one of the roles you generally hold (mommy, pal, sister, auntie, staff member, business owner as well as etc). You select what you do, where you go, what you eat, how much you sleep as well as how much you exercise based only on your wishes!
This provides you a feeling of flexibility that you don’t acknowledge as missing. It’s extremely subtle, it feels as if “something snuck up on you” while recognizing exactly how good it really feels!
Family and friends will be concerned about “what will you eat, where will you sleep, and what will you do for exercise?” When I travel I’ve found that eating, sleeping, and exercising are a minor concern.
Most of my exercise comes from walking and I ask locals where is the best place to get local food and the best place to stay. There are always more than enough choices from $ to $$$$, you choose!

Me and my friend Didi in Bali going for a ride on his Scooter. It was hilarious.
Sharing your desire to solo travel with your household can be tough, particularly if they are driven by the concern of “what might occur.”
Remarkably, the “what may occur” is always adverse or hideous. It is important to be sure and focused when you share your need to take a trip with family and friends. You will certainly receive a myriad of reasons as well as proof as to why you ought not to take a trip.
Smile, tell them thank you, and also keep in mind that anything that is taking place anywhere is taking place in the nation in which you live. (Just do not claim that to them!)
One of the biggest choices about traveling as a solo boomer woman is making the decision to experience your dreams. You’ve read books, magazines, watched the travel channel and have even gotten pamphlets from travel agents. You see yourself in all those wonderful places and yearn to be there. Now is your time!
I remember Skyping one of my friends when I was in Fiji and she said, “I am so glad that you didn’t let my fear stop you from going.”
You can diminish your fear by always practicing mindfulness and awareness when traveling, (locally or internationally). This allows you to be in the present moment, using all of your senses to notice your environment. You will immediately know if and when something changes and whether to stay or go to some other place. Sometimes you are having such a great time that you really want to stay, leave anyway. Always honor yourself!

This is me with Wang and friends in China. One of the things I noticed in China is that food is almost always present!
Traveling solo for fourteen months in Southeast Asia, South Pacific, Australia, and New Zealand the most frequent question I was asked is “How did you do this, aren’t you afraid?” My answer, “No, I’m not afraid,” was easy because of practicing mindfulness and awareness in all situations.
You see, one thing I know for sure is, if you carry the energy of fear or victimhood, you are more likely to experience unfortunate situations. Carrying the energy of faith, love, trust, and calm helps to keep you in the present attentive state, noticing all of your environment, which keeps unfortunate situations at bay.