Create your own user feedback survey

Evaluating your score:

30 points

You’re well on your way to creating your life your way.  You place a high priority on your willingness to change.  You pride yourself on noticing where you are and developing a plan to continue your journey.

20-29 points

You have definite ideas of what you desire for your life, however, you have not been consistent on working on your personal growth.  You have more worries and regrets because you find it hard to continue your personal growth process.

10-19 points

Working on personal growth has not been a high priority in your life up until now.  You have definite ideas of how to live your life and put a high priority on being right.  You enjoy winning and prefer being on the winning side of any conflict.

Under 10 points

You fear rejection and have a disdain for conflict or argument.  You prefer to know what is going on rather than be surprised.  Creating your dream life requires you to make a decision and stick with it. Are you willing to go for the change you desire?

Is Coaching For You

Coaching is one of the tools successful people use to create the life and business they dream of. Eric Schmidt, Google’s CEO, says “Everyone needs a coach, what might you accomplish with your own coach?”

Click here to schedule a fee waived 11-minute coaching session with Inez to get started on creating your dream life.