Women throughout the ages have wrestled with those questions. Wrestling with those questions often stop women from living the life they desire simply because of the boundaries they’ve been given. I don’t know about you, but growing up Southern, I learned a whole lot about who I could and could not be, do, or have. We were told to be seen and not heard. Women don’t talk nor laugh out loud. Women MUST keep their real feelings in check i.e. don’t let anyone know what you’re feeling. AND you mustn’t ever let anyone know what you’re really thinking!

Women throughout the ages have wrestled with those questions. Wrestling with those questions often stop women from living the life they desire simply because of the boundaries they’ve been given. I don’t know about you, but growing up Southern, I learned a whole lot about who I could and could not be, do, or have. We were told to be seen and not heard. Women don’t talk nor laugh out loud. Women MUST keep their real feelings in check i.e. don’t let anyone know what you’re feeling. AND you mustn’t ever let anyone know what you’re really thinking!