Know before you go usually applies to learning as much as you can about your destination including food, people, language, culture and especially the cost of transportation from the airport. Even if you know all of this and more you are not prepared for the unforeseen and unknown such as the recent ban on some travelers entering the United States.
In the immediacy of this climate, upon learning of the ban, remaining calm supports you in coming to terms with your situation. This is something that you could NEVER have imagined.
Is this the tip of the proverbial iceberg? I’m not encouraging fear-mongering, just inviting a new way of thinking for protecting yourself and your family. Let’s think of the disaster preparations that we already know—hurricanes, tornadoes, fire— we have plans in place for each occurrence. Thinking of this ban as a disaster allows us to view it differently and create a readiness plan on how to handle future challenges.
Here are five ideas that will help to ease your mind as well as you family and friends.
- Partner with an attorney who understands national and international law. Share your concerns for your well-being as well as your family.
- Create a strategy. Have a plan of action with your family detailing the process they are to follow when you are not available. This is a step-by-step plan including exactly who to call, what to say, where to go and much more. This plan is so clear that they can follow it in their sleep!
- Practice this plan just as you practice a fire or tornado drill so that their fear is minimized and they can immediately consciously follow the plan. Make a game out of the practice so that it appears to be a playful activity encouraging participation.
- Choose at least one adult outside of your home whom you trust, and share you personal information with them. This information includes your lawyer, your plan, banking, you might give them an ATM or Credit card for emergencies.
- Focus on living now while preparing for the future. Taking action now by using the above four steps helps to
minimize fear. By doing this you are allowing yourself to fully enjoy living in the present creating beautiful memories.
The most important message I’d like to leave with you is when something happens that is impossible to know before you go, quiet your mind. Do not allow this ban or other possible future bans to stop you from enjoying your life. There are and always will be challenges. We get to choose how they will affect us. We cannot foretell the future. However, preparing for the unseen and unknown gives you some comfort in knowing that you’ve done all you can do and that’s enough.
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