3 Benefits Of Ending Your Fear Of Traveling

If you are anything like me, you’ve dreamt of traveling abroad but have not planned your trip. Immediately after your dream thoughts come up about all the tasks that demand attention and the fear of “how will I communicate.”

One of the biggest fears is not speaking the language!

What if you could find an easy and effortless way to learn a new language, would you be interested? One part of you is saying YES, the other part is shaking its head NO.

How do you get both parts to agree? You’ve decided to stop giving in to the thoughts that keep you from traveling and living your life your way!

This time is different! In this second, you decide that enough is enough and see yourself in the faraway country of your dreams enjoying their food, laughing and speaking their language!

A noticeable shift happens in your mind and body, you feel lighter and empowered. You move into action researching the best time to leave, places to stay, and places to see.

Knowing a few rudimentary phrases was very helpful when traveling for fourteen months in Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. Even though most of the people I met spoke English, they were pleased when I used their language.

People interpret speaking their language as a friendly gesture. This is viewed as a sign that you care.

Here are three benefits of ending your fear of traveling by learning the language.

  1. It makes you look smart. People enjoy meeting and talking to people who show they care enough about them to learn their language.
  2. Speaking the local language gives you a greater and more meaningful connection. Even if it is “hello, thank you, and see you later.”
  3. It’s easier to get better prices when speaking their language because it makes you “one of them.”

Add your thoughts to the the above list and notice how good it makes you feel.

While doing your research a nagging thought lingers, “can I really learn a new language?” Of course you can, Consumers Advocate has done the hard work for you. They vetted 30 language learning software companies and selected the five best Click here to read their reviews and start learning before leaving home.

Knowing how to ask for water, or where is the toilet really came in handy for in countries that didn’t have pictures on the signs.!

In short, you have nothing to lose! Learn a language while planning your trip and go have fun!

Inez is a Coach, Speaker, Author, Scientist and Teacher dedicated to empowering high performing professional, executive, and self-employed women to reconnect with themselves, renew their bliss, and courageously live their lives. With fifteen years of experience working with amazing clients Inez’ mission and commitment is to help women create the lifestyle they yearn for. Connect with Inez.