About Inez Bracy

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So far Inez Bracy has created 242 blog entries.

Do Your Research

Do your research prior to leaving home.  Use the internet and research every place you intend to travel and learn everything you can.  Register with the State Department, check their website for information on safety, Visa requirements, and other advice. Be sure your Passport is current with enough blank pages to satisfy the requirement of the [...]

2017-03-09T13:38:07-04:00October 20th, 2015|Categories: Travel Tips|0 Comments

How do I ask for veggan food?

You can always ask. You will need to be specific in your request. Tell them exactly what you want and how it should be prepared. Even after all of this, you still might see traces of meat or meat products in your food. Because putting meat or meat products in food is standard in many [...]

2017-01-04T09:33:01-04:00October 19th, 2015|Categories: Travel Tips|0 Comments

Be Street Smart

Be street smart. ALWAYS pay attention to your surroundings. Never look like a tourist. Study your map before you leave your accommodations and know where you're going. If you must ask for directions, seek someone who is a police officer or government official. In Malaysia, even after studying the map, I need to ask directions. [...]

2016-11-30T10:55:55-04:00October 19th, 2015|Categories: Travel Tips|0 Comments

Do Whatever You Want

Do whatever you want! This is VERY big because you have only you to please. Do the things that you enjoy and make your heart sing. Arriving in Bali at 2am because of a delayed flight all I wanted to do the next day was relax. Because I traveled solo, I relaxed all day and [...]

2015-10-13T09:07:08-04:00October 18th, 2015|Categories: Travel Tips|0 Comments

Talk to People

Talk to people. Be engaging and join in conversations with the people you meet in your hotel including hotel staff, restaurants, tours, and other places people gather. I experienced one of my dreams shortly after arriving in the Philippines simply because I talked to people. From childhood I dreamt of going to far-away places, sitting [...]

2015-10-13T09:05:52-04:00October 17th, 2015|Categories: Travel Tips|0 Comments

Travel Light

Travel light, you don't want to have to wrestle with tons of luggage. Pack lightly, clothes that you can wash at night and wear in the morning. While traveling for fourteen months, my luggage grew heavy and cumbersome. By the time I reached my seventh country, I didn't want wrestle anymore. I pared down to [...]

2015-10-13T09:01:42-04:00October 15th, 2015|Categories: Travel Tips|0 Comments

Magical Monday: Are You Retirement Ready?

Tuesday, 7:00 PM ET Inez Bracy and Mike Bonocorsi, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, public speaker and award-winning author of Retirement Readiness will give tips on creating the retirement you desire. Mike says "Your retirement is NOT your parents'" Mike will also discuss "to retire or not to retire" and many of the options available.  Click here [...]

2016-11-30T10:55:56-04:00June 21st, 2010|Categories: Miscellaneous|0 Comments
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