March is Women History Month–woohoo!

Did you ever wonder how women got assigned March?  Many of the sayings that go along with March might be seen by some to also apply to women.March roars in like a lion goes out like a lamb.The Ides of March.St. Patrick’s DayMarch MadnessMarch is a tempestMarch is tempestuousYou get the picture.  Women are seen [...]

2023-03-08T12:02:58-04:00March 8th, 2023|Categories: Boomer Women, Lifestyle|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

How To Embrace Change: Endings & Beginnings

Boomer woman you know your greatest desire is to change, but it seems dangerous and too much work.  Dangerous because who would you be, how would you feel and how would you act?  So, instead of going for your greatest desire, you find yourself running from place to place to get out of the way [...]

Who Would I Be If I Only Knew How

Do you find yourself longing to know, “ who would I be if I only knew how ” because deep inside you feel that something is missing in your life?  You’d love to discover the ‘missing’ piece so that you could complete your puzzle and feel better. You know that filling in the missing piece [...]

Six Tips To Change Your Life To Bliss

Many of us have come to a time in our lives when we are uncomfortable with who we are, who we be, what we do and wonder, “Is there more to life?” This is not unusual for women over 50 who have been successful in the workplace or in owning their own business.  While focusing [...]

What do you really want; how will you know when you have it?

Does this question cause internal struggle? Just thinking about this question causes you to break out in a ‘cold sweat’, your hands become clammy and chill bumps cover your body. You know you desire and deserve better, but how do you get it? Click to Tweet I know that struggle all too well because I [...]

Five Tips To BE Worry Free and Live Blissfully

Have you ever heard that worry and faith cannot reside together? And still you catch yourself worrying about all kinds of things, “I’m an empty nester so what do I do now?”, “Oh my, I don’t get to see the grandchildren because they live so far away.”, “I wish my spouse would be more…,” the [...]

Absolutely See Yourself Living Your Life Your Way Now!

Is your life exactly the way you desire it to be? Or is the life you desire somewhere out of reach and it seems that no matter how you try, it remains out of reach. I, too experienced this same phenomena when my life was off track and out of alignment. Finally, I decided that [...]

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