Every now and then I reread The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz, and each time I’m struck by something different, something that makes an additional impact on my life. The first agreement, Be Impeccable with Your Word, the power of words and how words cast a ‘spell’ spoke loudly to me. I know how powerful words are but had never thought about how they cast a spell. Spell casting for me had always been outside of the realm of who I am and what I do. Imagine my surprise when I learned that spell casting is simply the way we use words!
So, I like you am a spell caster. Casting spells is easier than you think. Boomer women have cast many spells for themselves and others. Using words of love, support, encouragement and empowerment you are casting a spell of strength and support. You’re giving yourself the permission to believe in you and have healthy self esteem. On the other hand when you allow doubt, lack and disappointment to be your voice, you also cast a spell. This is the spell of low self esteem and lack of belief in your own abilities.
Words have started international wars and internal wars. Words have kept you from acknowledging your greatness of who you really are. Words have kept you hidden in your own shadow. Boomer women can now knowingly begin to cast the spell you desire for your life and see it manifest.
Aren’t you tired of seeing your desires remain elusive; just out of reach and just never being able to manifest? Tired of the hassle of what seems like pushing and shoving just to get to the fringes and never seeing your dream life unfold.
Is it possible that the dream life you want doesn’t fit because of the spell you’re casting with your words? Boomer women you promised yourself on January 1 that by now your life would be different, that you would be well on your way to designing your dream life. However, you’re right where you started or further behind.
Isn’t it time to give yourself the ultimate gift, the gift of using powerful words to cast a spell to burst through limiting beliefs and get on with your dream life boomer women. This gift keeps on giving all year, every year. Once you know the how to shift your words immediately and use powerful impeccable language you will begin to see your life transform beautifully.
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