All around me nature is bursting forth and causes my spirit awakens at this time of year.  Buds on the trees begin to allow a tiny little bit of green to peek through.  Blades of green grass show up and say, “look at me, see, I’m not dead.”  Birds seem to sing louder and more robustly as if they are daring me to pause and listen.    

Excitement builds in me, knowing that the cold weather is over, the days will be longer, and a feeling of bursting loose infuses me!

In other words, if you’re wondering, “What does that have to do with me?” Think for a moment, just as the earth renews, so does your spirit.  Your energy shifts from the relaxed energy of winter.  You’ll notice the energy of lightheartedness, uplifting, and a general feeling of well being.  This is the time for springing forth your ideas and seeing them flourish.

For many of you, spring can put you into a tailspin of doubt, questioning and can even lead to depression.  You look at all the things you said you would have completed by now and discover that only a small percentage was accomplished.  Do not be dismayed; rejoice in the fact that you did accomplish something!

Having said that, some of us continue to hold on to past experiences that keep us from moving forward.  It doesn’t have to be this way!  To live your life your way you must be willing to do something you’ve never done before. 

Put YOU first!

Putting you first begins by creating non-negotiable boundaries.  These include attitudes, behaviors, tones of voice and tolerations that you’ve “put up with over the years.”  Share these boundaries with all the people who matter to you.  Let them know that when they breach your boundaries, they dishonor and disrespect you, themselves and your relationship.

Here are some questions to help you think about creating your boundaries.  As you ponder these questions, others will emerge as well as answers.  Now is a great time to start keeping a journal. 

🤔 Am I in the place I want to be in my life at this time?

🤔 How can I open myself to possibilities?

🤔 Why can’t see opportunities instead of challenges?

🤔 How can I see opportunities instead of challenges?

🤔 What do I have to do to become that person?

🤔 How do I silence that negative voice that stops me?

Be gentle with yourself and embrace your new YOU!

Your answers to the above questions will guide you to being okay with some answers and discarding others. Remember, it’s all about you! 

Using your non-negotiable boundaries allow you to stop beating yourself up and begin anew.  Know that you are capable of setting boundaries and honoring them. For each boundary, you set, make it a goal and write out a plan.  All of this becomes moot if you do not ACT on it.  Action is the key to living your life your way!

If you’re experiencing difficulty setting your boundaries, call Inez 386-748-5484 for help.

Inez Bracy is a Masterful Coach & Dynamic Speaker who partners with you in gaining clarity and focus to achieve your goals. When you’re ready to free your mind and nourish your soul, call Inez at 386-748-5484.