I am so excited!  The book “Americans Saving Ourselves Together: How to Thrive in the 21st Century” has received the Pinnacle Award.  I am one of the co-authors and am thrilled to receive this honor with my fellow co-authors.

The testimonial below shows how reading this book can change your life.

“My experience after I read Americans Saving Ourselves Together: How to Thrive in the 21st Century” by Daya Devi-Doolin and six other female co-authors from across America, is something that I just had to share with everyone!

I had a rough week about a month ago and I have to say, I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. We had put away some money for my husband and I to go to a family member’s graduation. Just like many other times, it seems that every time that you do that, the car breaks down, or you get a speeding ticket, or you get an unexpected bill. Well guess what?  That’s what happened during the “meltdown.”

I got to my nail salon and sitting there with a cleared schedule, I had a book looking at me, as I stared back.  I thought hmmmmm, I think I might read you considering my friend Daya gave you to me as a gift.   Truly, it was just that, a gift… a lesson in fact.

I learned that I wanted to succeed in living a rich life, a life that is rich should I say…….

That day happened to be a Tuesday and I thought to myself after reading the entire book that afternoon, it’s time I took it upon myself to get out of my rut.

I picked up my children, got some groceries and some wine and just enjoyed my family. After all in these testing times, we tend to forget what the true meaning and value of life is.

Life is magnificent and like the yin and the yang there will be balance.

Although there are times you don’t know which way to turn, this testimony might make you realize look no further. Learn, Listen, Love, Live, and Laugh. It takes a book and people who write them to let us know we are all in this together.”

Thank you Daya!

-Jeany Perez”


The book can be purchased at www.padaran.com.



Lifestyle Transitions Coach