How Are Shame and Guilt Stopping You?

When you’re feeling guilty about something, check yourself! Release any attachments that you have to guilt and shame! Grand rising, good morning, good afternoon, good evening to my friends around the globe. I am absolutely over-the-top thrilled to be with you today. This is Inez your Audacious Living and Confidence Coach. Yesterday [...]

2020-02-04T18:27:33-04:00November 12th, 2019|Categories: Boomer Women, Daily Booster, Desires, Lifestyle, Self Improvement|0 Comments

How To Embrace Change: Endings & Beginnings

Boomer woman you know your greatest desire is to change, but it seems dangerous and too much work.  Dangerous because who would you be, how would you feel and how would you act?  So, instead of going for your greatest desire, you find yourself running from place to place to get out of the way [...]

Who Would I Be If I Only Knew How

Do you find yourself longing to know, “ who would I be if I only knew how ” because deep inside you feel that something is missing in your life?  You’d love to discover the ‘missing’ piece so that you could complete your puzzle and feel better. You know that filling in the missing piece [...]

3 Proven Tips On Being Grateful To Change Your Life

These three proven tips on being grateful to change your life helps to lessen stress and increase bliss. According to Robert Emmons, the world's leading scientific expert on gratitude, reveals that being grateful builds stronger im-mune systems, generates higher levels of positive emotions, and creates a more helpful, generous and more compassionate nature. With all [...]

The Truth About How To Use Self-Talk

  Knowing the truth about using self-talk is the most important key to opening the door to living blissfully.  According to a study in 1911 by neuroscientists Dr. Henry Head and Dr. Gordon Morgan Holmes women who wore large, tall, feathered hats as they walked through doorways ducked their heads even if they were not [...]

What do you really want; how will you know when you have it?

Does this question cause internal struggle? Just thinking about this question causes you to break out in a ‘cold sweat’, your hands become clammy and chill bumps cover your body. You know you desire and deserve better, but how do you get it? Click to Tweet I know that struggle all too well because I [...]

Three Tips To Living Your Unique Anxiety-Free Life

Woman over 50 you are special! Why do you think they took your footprints the day you were born? Just to show how unique you are, no one else has a footprint exactly like yours. Your footprint is unique because you were born to be and do unique things. How do you feel when you [...]

How The Principle of Rhythm Affect Our Daily Life

“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” ~~The Kybalion Women over 50 know a thing or two about rhythm.   We have experienced many situations, [...]

How to use self-talk to change your life!

Women over 50 are inclined to spend an inordinate amount of time reliving past experiences. We often focus on the negative, those issues, events, and situations that stick to us even though they were not enjoyable. These past experiences are our point reference and are used to gauge the response and behavior to new information [...]

Five Steps To Living Your Dream Life Now

Here is your opportunity to learn how to confidently live your life on your own terms… and get started quickly making positive changes in your life!  Do You Believe In Yourself? Learn how to Emerge Inspire Live. Would you like to know how to gain clarity  in your life and how your past struggles can [...]

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