As this day unfolds I’m reminded by friends that it’s Easter Friday and “you should do something to celebrate.”  So I’ve been thinking, must I wait until Easter Friday to celebrate or should I plan a special celebration today because it is Easter Friday?

Growing up in North Carolina we never celebrated Easter Friday.  On Easter Sunday we would proudly adorn our newest frock, with bonnets, organza dresses, patent leather shoes, white socks with a cute little ruffle or lace around them.

We’d get up early to go to Sunrise Service which seemed interminably long!

And to stretch it out further, after church the adults would ‘mill’ around while the children played.  We were always careful to keep our clothes clean.

Once home, we’d rush to get out of our ‘church clothes’ so that we could really play.  Playing meant freedom, running outside, chasing each other and taking turns on the bike.  (We had one bike for seven children).  In the afternoon we’d have a huge feast in celebration of the risen Christ.

We, the children, would sit silently, impatiently through an insufferably long blessing of the food.

And then wait to be served, because manners were important.  Once served, the food was delicious; the conversation was loud with lots of laughter.

Then on Monday, we could hardly be contained while the adults cooked and colored eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt.  To this day, I don’t know how they were able to keep us from seeing where they put them.

All of the children in the church participated in The Easter Egg Hunt.  The excitement would grow as one child after another screamed “I’ve got one”.  The adults seemed to enjoy watching us find the eggs as much as we enjoyed finding them.  Through some stroke of magic, each child found at least one egg!

Now, just in case you’re wondering what this ‘rambling’, remembering has to do with today, Easter Friday, I’ve decided to celebrate!  I’m going to the beach, walk along the shore and give thanks for ALL of my many blessings.  I’m going to sing loud praises and enjoy the sound of the surf as I spend time in nature.

How will you celebrate this Passover/Easter season?  What will you do to make happy memories for yourself and/or the little ones in your life?  Your comments are appreciated.



Lifestyle Transitions Coach