The Coldest Day Ever!
InezBracy2016-11-30T10:56:12-04:00January 22nd, 2009|Categories: Lifestyle|Tags: change, comfort, comfort food, warmth|0 Comments
As long as I can stay inside at home, cold weather makes me feel cozy. I, too, love soup on a blustery day–seems to warm me from the inside out. Thanks for the great suggestion for making potato soup. That would be a great one to fill the tummy and warm the heart!
Eileen Williams’s last blog post..Women Over Fifty—Bucking the Trend
It is sooooo the opposite here. Hot weather, middle of summer, looking for a bit of ‘cool’ to keep us going. This coming week is set to be mid to high 30s – Celsius that is.
Kathie M. Thomas’s last blog post..Lysterfield Lake Park, Victoria – beautiful!
Heater running sometimes here in east Texas, day like today, although Christmas was so warm the kids were wanting the AC turned on. I refused, opened windows.
Why I love crockpots and bread machines. Dump in the food and let them do their thing, come supper time, good smells and warm food awaits.
Heidi Caswell’s last blog post..Networking through BNI
This is awesome! Having responses from different parts of the world helps me put temperature in perspective. Thanks bunches for your responses.
Inez Bracy