- watching Shannon on the NFL Today #
- @TynishaThompson so have I. Chx out my new blog http://twurl.nl/xyp1l4 lwrk in progress #
- did anyone hear Patti Labelle sing Nat’l Anthem at World Series? #
- @wendyybailey joined already. Looking forward to learning great things! #
- RT OOPS! my new blog http://twurl.nl/crtg6n #
- Would the real cougar woman plz stand up! be sure to listen to Living Smart & Well at Noon ET to see if you’re a real cougar http://ping … #
- Join me tomorrow on WendyY’s Group Coaching in 33 mins register now http://snipurl.com/4qtfs #
- Real Cougar Woman in 59 mins. You really want to hear this http://ping.fm/yuIg6 #
- @wendyybailey stew or soup sounds great for chilly weather #
- if you missed the Living Smart & Well show on ‘cougars’ you can listen here http://ping.fm/HgLit and be pleasantly surprised #
- Good morning Tweeples. Create a fantabulous day! #
- A lot can happen in 33 mins join me at 10 for @WendyY to find out http://GroupMastery.com #
- Out the door for yoga; be sure to join me for @WendyY33 mins Group Mastery Teleseminar at http://GroupMastery.com #
- Whew! Just back from Yoga with renewed energy. Will I ‘see’ you on @WendyY Group Mastery Teleseminar? Join now http://GroupMastery.com #
- just got off the call with @WendyYBailey. Awesome and chock full of info. Go to groupmastery.com to join me next Thursday for next call #
- @JuletteMillien perhaps not knowing how or what to forgive can stop the forgiveness process #
- Good morning All #
- working on my radio show for Monday, 12 PM w/Frank Lawlis, The Stress Answer http://www.livingsmartandwell.com #
- getting ready for my Living Smart and Well Show with Dr. Frank Lawlis at 12 Noon on http://www.livingsmartandwell.com #
- Join Ibracy & Dr. Lawlis at http://www.livingsmartandwell.com in 60 mins to get answers to managing your Stress Answer #
- 15 mins til Inez & Dr. Lawlis on http://www.livingsmartandwell.com to discuss The Stress Answer. Be sure to listen at 12 Noon EST #
- @julettemillien thanks bunches for listening. I appreciate your support. #
- @wendyybailey great having you listen to the show. Wonderful that your son could listen too. #
- Welcome new followers @speakingdiva and @delwilliams #
- Welcome new followers @waltpsu & @deemerchant #
- @AdamUrbanski depends on what U want! The thinker just might offer some really cool ideas that gets others to get work done. #
- Good morning Tweeples, create an awesome day no matter what! #
- just got off the Group Mastery call with WendyY! Powerful, useful content join me onTuesday http://www.groupmastery.com #
- listening to @WendyY’s radio show Exceptional Experts, join me http://blogtalkradio.com/exceptionalexperts #
- good morning all. Had an awesome chamber breakfast #
- Inez’ Musings: You were born a genius with amazing immeasurable power. #
- Join me in 50 minutes at http://www.livingsmartandwell.com to participate in the discussion, It’s ok to Grieve, with Judy Wright #
- Welcome new followers @abigailfinney & @davidparton #
- Inez’ Musing: You can create anything you desire just by letting the mind do what it was created to do. #
- Inez’ Musing: You can retrain your brain and reprogram your mind #
- Inez’ Musing: You create your reality; make it exactly what you desire. #
- Inez’ Musing: Let your word be your bond; stay in integrity. #
- just finished hosting an awesome Mary Kay show! Many ideas for Holiday shopping. #
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