Are your habits holding you hostage? Every time you think you are moving forward, something comes along and knocks you back! As a boomer woman you really want to transform your life but can’t quite “get it right”. Negative habits grate on your nerves and your emotions much like a frayed rope. You know that if you don’t do something about them they will cause you to ‘break’.
Some habits PREVENT you from creating your dream life style and reaching your highest personal potential. They are self-inflicted punishments that drain you of motivation, time, and money. And they hold boomer women back from living the great life you know you can achieve. Just think of all the times you’ve said …
- I’ll start my diet on Monday (which is always a week away)
- I’m giving up smoking because it is a nasty habit
- I’m going to start an exercise program tomorrow
You’re not alone and you can change your habits!
The first step in breaking a habit for boomers is to recognize the habit no longer serves you well. Secondly, decide what you want and thirdly, set your goal and start toward your target. Ask yourself; is this my dream or am I living my life for someone else?
No matter what your goal is for creating your dream life as a boomer woman you can achieve it!
Haven’t you already looked back at your life and thought woulda, coulda, shoulda and beaten yourself up? Isn’t it time you start to change and embrace who you really are? It really doesn’t matter how you’ve lived in the past. It does matter that as a boomer woman you take full responsibility and realize you have the power to change.
How do you think you will feel when you get rid of negative habits and create new positive ones to support you in changing in your boomer years?
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