We’ve lived long enough as boomers to have so many filters in place that we can ‘color’ incoming information to fit whatever situation we’re in. We filter with our fears, anxieties and desires. To deal effectively with the changes we desire in creating our dream life and our environment boomer women must acknowledge their truth. When boomers understand their truth their response is more appropriate.
Has anyone ever said to you “I’m just the messenger” or “don’t shoot the messenger”? People around you recognize when you avoid seeing and hearing your truth.
Seek out true information concerning who you are and who you’re becoming. There is a reservoir of truth inside each of us lying dormant. It is just waiting to be tapped into to unleash your truth and your essence. When boomer women who are aligned with their essence allow their true authentic self to show up, they become unstoppable. They become fearless in their pursuit of having the life they desire, enjoying life and feeling fulfilled.
Stepping into you authentic power allows you hear your truth while listening to your inside influence. Inside influence is your intuition guiding you to make decisions based on your truth. This is also your feedback system allowing and helping you to correct your course when necessary.
Imagine the freedom you will have as a boomer woman by removing the filters and recognizing your truth.
I find this to be a very interesting post in light of the fact that I have a book coming out about the lies women tell as we age. You are right. We, as boomer women, need to take off the mask, and deal with the realities of our lives. It’s not easy because many of us have been through so much and, perhaps, are still going through but coming to terms with who you are can also be a beautiful thing a lift a heavy burdom of “conformity” from your shoulders.
Very nice post!
.-= Beverly Mahone´s last blog ..Unexercise Works =-.
Thank you Bev. Looking forward to your book.