This is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Ed.  Ed personifies being glad and rejoicing in each day.  You see, Ed has a disability that erases short term memory so he starts each day new and fresh.  He’s not bothered by things that didn’t get completed on yesterday.  I quite enjoyed our conversation.

Just as Ed’s disability allows him to start each day new and fresh, boomer women can choose to start each day new and fresh.  It doesn’t take a disability to begin new each day.  It simply takes a desire to live life to the fullest in each moment of each day.  As boomer women choose to live fully, embracing each moment, life presents wonderful new opportunities daily.

Awakening to a new day and a new dawn gives you a choice; you can angst over the incompletion of yesterday, accept the incompletion and complete it, or discard and begin anew.  Using the power of choice boomer women open up infinite possibilities.

Daily new opportunities offer and allow boomer women to rejoice and be glad each morning upon awakening and each night upon going to sleep.

Today promises to be one of the warmer days this year with less wind, I intend to enjoy the sun and relax.

What will you do today to embrace each moment and rejoice this day?