Have you ever heard that worry and faith cannot reside together? And still you catch yourself worrying about all kinds of things, “I’m an empty nester so what do I do now?”, “Oh my, I don’t get to see the grandchildren because they live so far away.”, “I wish my spouse would be more…,” the list is endless, so you worry.
Sometimes it feels as if you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders! This burden is really getting heavy and making living a blissful life almost impossible. You become overwhelm with the everyday tasks of “keeping it all together” wishing they would go away or be done for you. You worry because it seems that only you can do what you do, if you’re doing too much, and if the tasks are really necessary.
A feeling of tiredness has become your daily state and you can’t remember the last time you had a genuine smile or deep belly laugh. You become angry with yourself for feeling this way.
You yearn to stop worrying, you desire to laugh and experience bliss, because you know it’s out there somewhere. Click to Tweet
What if you could bring the “out there somewhere” into the present moment? You can, you know, bring “somewhere” into now by taking responsibility for your thoughts. Begin taking responsibility for your thoughts using the five tips below.
1. Set the intention to be aware of your thoughts
2. Pay attention to what you are thinking
3. Notice how your thoughts make you feel
4. Use the cancel/clear technique to eliminate thoughts that you do not want
5. Focus on the thoughts that empower and support you in being worry free
Join our 7 Days To Blissful Living Challenge to support you in becoming worry free.
You might experience some fear when beginning this practice because it is new and change is occurring. You will notice that you experience fewer yearnings because your “somewhere out there” are in the present moment.
Using the five tips and being completely responsible for yourself releases you from worry, empowers to step into faith and allows you to delegate some of the tasks. Delegate those tasks that are easily done by someone else.
It is not uncommon to feel anxious the first time you delegate a task. One of the best ways to get over this hurdle is to create a mantra “I’m letting go, I’m delegating tasks and all is well.” The more practice you get, the easier it gets, until one day you realize that you no longer have to carry the world on your shoulders.
You are freely living your blissful life!
Remember to join 7 Days To Blissful Living Challenge!
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