I received an email from my friend Jimmy Williams, The Methodical Marketer, and found the information of value for me so decided to share the excerpt below with you.

“I know there may be some of you that want to give, but are not
sure which charity would put your donation to the best use.

Fortunately I found a report on CNN news that recommended a site
that actually helps you make your choice.

The site is called “Charity Navigator” and it provides an
overview of a dozen or so charities that are currently active in
the Haitian relief efforts.

In their own words:

” Here are a few of our 3 and 4-star charities responding to the
crisis along with a synopsis of their plans. Each of these
charities has a history of working on massive disasters and/or of
working in Haiti”

So if you’d like to help those in need in Haiti but don’t know
where to turn for more “unbiased” information…

Check out Charity Navigator for Haitian Relief Programs: