Attention: International Light Workers, Healers, Energy Workers and others who believe in Universal God Source Power:

I’m asking your help and participation in sending healing energy to our brothers and sisters in Haiti.  This will lift their energy and help to heal their body, mind and spirit.  Yes, we know that money and supplies are also needed.  However, in this instance all we are asking and need is your energy and time.

This event is scheduled to occur on February 28, 2010 at 2 PM Eastern Standard Time for three minutes.  You can focus your energy repeating love and gratitude to be placed in the water or redeemed in the earth of Haiti or use your own method if you prefer.

There is no cost to you for participating in this Global event for just three minutes.

Please click here to register.

In gratitude for your help in raising the consciousness and well being of our Haitian brothers and sisters.