Be Your Own Best Valentine!

I’m sure just as I have you’ve been seeing and hearing all the hype about Valentine’s Day, romance and being with the one you love.  As a single unattached boomer woman I’m certainly not going to be with “the one” so I’ll romance myself.  You can do the same while waiting to attract that special someone.

Boomer woman is there any one you love more than you?  Isn’t it time you be your own Valentine and romance yourself?  Being unattached or alone doesn’t equate to being lonely.

Buy the flowers, chocolate or whatever you like just for you.  Treat yourself to a special brunch, lunch or dinner.  You boomer woman can do whatever you like on Valentine’s Day be as elaborate or selfish as you desire.  What if you decide to forgo the commercial hype and spend your day meditating, singing, reading, walking, playing in the snow or just being?  Eat and drink whatever you like.  Feed your body, mind and soul.

You’re being your own best friend and lover boomer woman.  Does that make you squirm?  Fill yourself with love until it runs over and spills love on everything and everyone it touches.  Yes, loving you completely is the best and easiest way to have love to give to that special someone when they appear.  You know what makes you happy and as a boomer woman loving yourself and practicing love with yourself it’ll be easier to share your love.

Being your own best Valentine is a wonderful way to celebrate the day!

What will you do make your day special?