Whether you are in business for yourself or an employee, your image is very important.  As boomer women it is important to really pay attention to and create the image you desire in and out of the workplace.  Your professional image affects your reputation and may differ from your personal image. Your reputation affects the number and quality of clients you attract.

Developing an image that is ‘right’ for you as a boomer woman takes a concentrated plan of action. Decide what you need to do and what you are willing to do. Look at your situation and think creatively about what you can do to develop the presence you desire. Do you need to change your style of dress, change to dark colored suits, wear less flashy jewelry, develop a more resonant voice or be the expert?

Your business will be directly influenced by the image you project on the phone, on the web, in advertising and direct contact with clients.

1. Make a good first impression. Keep your charisma up because everyone you meet is a potential client. You are always personable, helpful, attentive and concerned. Dress for success and pay attention to your voice.

2. Schedule your time. Be available during your working hours or have phone coverage when you are unavailable. Let people know when you are “open” for business.

3. Casual day. Casual does not mean flip flops, shorts and midriff showing unless you work at a concession stand on the beach. Even on casual day, dress as if you are the CEO of your company or meeting the CEO for lunch.

Creating the image desire will take some time.  Have fun with it.  When you put on something that doesn’t feel just right, discard it.  You’ll know when you’re on your authentic path.  Remember, you are worth it.  Boomer women who take the time to create your new image find that it’s helpful in creating the life you desire and deserve; the life you dream about.

What are you doing to create the image you desire?