Do you ever think “my life woulda/shoulda/coulda be so much…..?”  Each time you allow your thoughts to travel that road you miss out on the important thoughts of the present.  As baby boomer women we have so many memories that we sometimes forget the joy that’s given to us now.  Imagine that every thought is in the present moment and each moment brings exquisite joy because you created it!  Awesome!

Pay special attention each time you think woulda, shoulda, coulda.  Notice how it feels in your body, notice the location in your body.  Focus on the feeling and location, what color is it?

white lightNow close your eyes and visualize a white light coming into the feeling and location, hold the white light until a feeling of peace comes to you.  Allow the light to dissipate.  Give thanks for releasing that regret and feel the freedom.

Day 4 Practice and focus your energy and thoughts on staying in the present.  Eliminate woulda, shoulda and coulda.