Allowing your creative juices to flow might take some getting use to. Did you have an imaginary playmate when you were a child? I know some of you still have her! Remember all of the fun conversations you had and all the outrageous things you did with your imaginary playmate.
Reclaiming and discovering your genius and creativity is much like when you were a child. You didn’t ask permission to have your playmate. You don’t need permission NOW!
To get your mind thinking, it’s important to get your body moving. The more you move your body, the more energized your brain becomes. You then become a powerhouse of innovation and creativity!
Five tips to get you started on rediscovering your hidden talents:
1. Exercise. Move naturally. Take a walk, dance, play catch with the children, take a belly dance class, take up yoga and the list is endless. As long as you’re having fun, releasing those good hormones, endorphins, clears and relaxes your mind and gives you a sense of well-being.
2. Find your own style. Do you remember the Clairol commercial as compared to L’Oreal? You knew the difference even if you weren’t watching TV. You could feel the difference in your body and in your emotions. You can always tell a Van Gogh from a Matisse. You’ll know Shakespeare by the choice of words. It is the same with you. People will appreciate your innovation more because it is uniquely yours and that no one else would have thought of what you were thinking.
3. Journal. Write notes about all the wonderful things you’re thinking and doing. Keep notes on the different reactions you’re getting from people. Capture your dreams in your journal. Dreams are often a prelude to your understanding your creativity. You might awaken and think “That was the craziest dream I have ever had.” As you go through the day, reflect on it and then let it go. You’ll be amazed when days or weeks later you look back at your journal and discover that your dream wasn’t so crazy after all.
4. Passion. Live boldly with passion. Put your passion into everything you do. First thing in the morning passionately jump out of bed. All during the day keep your passion alive. It could be compared to keeping a flame burning. What talent do you have that is lying dormant? What would happen if you allow it to unfold, gradually passionately? Living boldly and passionately you become unstoppable. Your creativity and innovation has no boundaries. Your passion will keep you going.
5. ALWAYS carry a small notebook with you. This is the place where you write down those thoughts that seem to come from no where. When inspiration hits, you want to be able to capture it. Don’t worry about inspiration. You can’t force it; inspiration hits when you least expect it to, for those unpredictable yet inevitable moments you want to be prepared. An idea can come at anytime. You want to be able to write it down or always have a handy tape recorder.
Your creativity is entirely up to you. I’m not suggesting that you do everything at once. Think of it as if you going into the ocean. There’s a whole lot of water, so you walk gently to the edge and stick you toe in. If this feels good, you walk out further. You continue to walk until you can swim. Discovering your creativity is much the same. Start small and work your way up.
Keep in mind that you’re doing these things for your own satisfaction. Don’t be concerned about what others may think. All too soon they’ll be asking you for advice on how they can tap into their creativity.
What will you do today that shows your creativity; that’s uniquely you?
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