About a month or so ago the tree in my yard started to bud.  The weather was warm for a few days so I guess it thought spring had arrived.  Alas, the cold weather returned and the tree lost its buds and became naked again.  This lasted until this week when it turned warm again.  I think, perhaps, maybe, hopefully this time really signifies spring has sprung.

The tree is in full bud now, with bright green leaves blowing in the gentle and not so gentle breeze.  Looking at the tree caused me to think about life.  Boomer women have you ever been in a ‘down’ mood and then suddenly someone said or did something and you were uplifted, bright and cheery. Then in a short while something or someone comes along and you’re ‘down’ again.


I find this to be an interesting paradox with life.  You so often allow outside circumstances to determine your joy and happiness.  Much like the tree boomer women you depend on others to help you bud, then when they disappoint you, you become frozen again.

Wouldn’t it be nice to realize that it’s up to you to create your own weather and environment?

Deciding to create your own weather is the first step to achieving the art of living in the moment, the art of being unaffected by outside circumstances.  This is an art that allows you to bud, bloom and flower when and wherever you desire.  Boomer women this art allows you to minimize and eliminate disappointments because you’re living in the moment. Disappointment only happens when you’re looking forward to, expecting or living in future thought.


Living in future thought is like the weather.

Your expectation of having, being, doing in the future is fraught with unexpected changes.

For instance, just like the tree expecting it is spring and bursting forth in all its spring glory only to be disappointed when the winter reclaims its rightful place.

Similarly, when you have expectations and make elaborate plans based on something or someone fulfilling your need and it doesn’t happen, you’re disappointed.  Boomer women you can allow this disappointment to ruin your present moments or instantly decide to make your own weather and live joyously.  You don’t have to allow anyone to be your winter, spring, summer or fall.



Lifestyle Transitions Coach