Boomer women have been the mainstay of nurturers.  We’ve been known to take on causes that seem hopeless and make a difference in the world.

Did you join in the feminism movement, burn your bra,  and strive to compete in a ‘man’s’ world?  Were you at Woodstock or a flower child following the sun?

It’s time for us to gather our strength and make a difference to the world again.  13 million children in America wonder when, what and where they will eat again.  We can solve this problem.

Just as enthusiastically as we burned our bras and protested against the wrongs in society back in the 60’s, we can protest against hunger in the 2000’s.  (This time we can keep our bras on!)

Now that you have watched the video be sure to buy Rejuvenate Your Life in 21 Days on July 29; 15% of the sales on July 29 will go to Feeding America so that together we make a significant difference in ending hunger now!