Just coming off the radio show, Living Smart and Well, with my guest Katherine Giovanni, author of Above and Beyond, I was standing at a registration desk in a hotel and saw a clear demonstration of less than Above and Beyond customer service.

An elderly gentleman had a telephone number on a card and asked the clerk, “Can my wife call this number for free?”  She replied “No sir that is not in our area code”.  He was looking at a map and asked “Can you tell me where a Catholic church is?” She looked at some papers and said, “No sir I don’t know where a Catholic church is”.  He gave her one more try and said “I guess you don’t know this either but can you tell me how to get to a certain (name intentionally not given) park?”  She said “No sir, I don’t know anything about that.”  To her credit, she smiled through it all!

The gentleman gathered his map and turned and slowly walked away.

I could not believe my ears!  So after that exchange, I decided it best for me not to ask any questions, turned around and walked away.

Imagine the difference it would have made in the gentleman’s life had the clerk but simply said, “Give me a moment and I will get that information for you.”  The information was readily available on the computers, her manager was in the back office and of course you can always use the yellow pages.

What would you do in a similar situation?