Why is now the perfect time to recapture your bliss? Because now is the only time you have; this second, minute or hour. Putting it off for another second limits your ability to be stress- free, frustration free, anxiety free, guilt free, and doubt free.

Did you know that “putting things off” is a learned behavior? Remember asking your parents for something when you were little, and they would reply “not now honey” or “Mommy is busy now” or any of the other answers that told you that your request would be “put off.”

bliss2Let me be clear, choosing bliss in spite of all that is going on in your world will require a new and different way of thinking and being. It will require that your release, eliminate, and/or give up the learned behavior of procrastination and allow yourself to be alive and aware in each moment. Being in this state makes you conscious of your feelings and encourages you to choose bliss. Join the 7 Days To Blissful Living Challenge to support you in being aware of your thoughts.

Living blissfully will soon be your natural state!

Being blissful encourages you to pay attention to your physical surroundings and your mental state. Being more aware of your thoughts can cause you to reevaluate, reframe and rethink your core values. This introspection can be very uncomfortable because you may discover some long held thoughts that do not support you in living blissfully. You get to choose to make some changes or ignore your discovery.

Ignoring your discovery will cause you to question if living blissfully is for you. Is it worth it to:

? lower your stress level?

? feel good no matter what?

? have healthy relationships?

? know that you are lovable and capable?

? live confidently and courageously?

When you say YES it is worth it, you will put you first and make the changes you require to live your blissful life. You’ve practiced being unselfish for so very long! You’ve agreed with and bought into the ‘culture’ that “it’s better to give than to receive”. So you’ve given and given until you now realize that you have nothing more to give.

Be gentle with yourself, start slowly, and give yourself permission to make one small change.

Making one small change can be as easy as smiling when you awaken, or being sure to experience one deep belly laugh daily, or celebrating confidentsomething daily, or walking in the park, or reading a book you’ve always wanted to read, or sitting quietly for ten minutes, or…the list is endless. You decide what makes your heart sing and gives you bliss.

Bliss is yours for the asking and acting! Remember, now is the perfect time to recapture your bliss. Be It Now!

Inez Bracy, Audacious Living Coach, World Traveler, Author, and Speaker is passionately committed to guiding self-employed and executive women over 50 to achieve confidence, clarity, choice, courage and freedom so they can live their life on their own terms.

Inez can guide you to achieve the results you desire and the life you imagine. One step in creating the life you imagine is embracing your bliss. Join the 7 Days To Blissful Living Challenge, and get started today.