Of course, I will be okay traveling solo!  Immediately having this thought puts you in the realm of possibilities and courage.  Your mind begins to dwell in places of excitement lifting your vibrational level, exuding bliss knowing that you are protected wherever you are.

Tweet: Being okay traveling solo will depend totally on you.

It is important to know who you be, your reason for traveling and the things you desire to receive from it.  One thing to remember is that who you are and how you are at home will most likely be the same when traveling.  If you have tons of friends and enjoy seeing them regularly, you might feel lonely until you meet some new friends.  Be okay with this and do things you enjoy doing solo.

It is important to know who you be, your reason for traveling and the things you desire to receive from it. One thing to remember is that who you are and how you are at home will most likely be the same when traveling. If you have tons of friends and enjoy seeing them regularly, you might feel lonely until you meet some new friends. Be okay with this and do things you enjoy doing solo.When I traveled for fourteen months, I found that creating alone time for myself to be very valuable.  In that time I would meditate, renew, rejuvenate, reflect, and evaluate.  When coming out of my alone time, I was ready to re-engage with others and enjoy being with people and making new friends.

Traveling solo offers a level of freedom that is not often found when traveling in groups.  You get to choose what you want to do, where you want to go, how long you will stay and everything else.  This is very freeing for the woman who enjoys having some control in her life.

Using these four tips kept me stay safe while traveling.

  1. Follow safety protocols. Putting my purse across my chest allowing it to hang in front of me, noticing everything in my surroundings.  When I see something or someone that appears odd or out of place, I move away or turn around.
  2. Notice your intuition.  When that small voice speaks, pay attention!  It will always warn and guide you if you allow it.  Be careful not to override it because you’re too busy doing other things.
  3. Pay attention to the culture.  Be aware of their rituals, dress, and food.  One of the most important things for me is not offend by word or action.
  4. Get to know locals.  Locals will help you in any way they can and will also watch out for you. They will tell you places that are safe and steer you away from those that are unsafe.

Being okay while traveling solo requires a mindset that embraces being okay.  Be aware,  and notice your environment, if something doesn’t feel right, DON’T do it. It all depends on you!