I discovered that reponding to WendyY Bailey’s tag to write 10 honest things about me was not the easiest post I’ve ever written!  So, below are ten things that are really important to me.
1. I’m the sixth of seven children. There are four girls older than I but I’m named for my Mom’s Mother and Stepmother. I think that’s awesome.

2. When my Mom passed in 04 we wondered if we would continue to be close. Now there are five of us and I’m delighted that we’re closer than ever.

3. My seven year old grand nephew is the ‘apple of my eye’. I think he’s the smartest child in the world!

4. My life is often enriched by the people I meet.

5. A defining moment for me was when I realized the work that I was doing left me totally unfulfilled. I chose to quit and am now doing what I love.

6. I’m still dealing with my brother’s death. He died in 07 on the day after my birthday.

7. I started taking yoga. I’m discovering that the poses others seem to do so effortlessly are really not that easy!

8. I’m a wonderful cook and all of my friends know it 🙂  It’s true that I think I’m a great cook but none of my friends will eat my cooking!
9. I value friendships and hold them sacred.
10. I love the beach.