While walking this cool, crisp morning I looked up and saw the most beautiful Angel Wings in the clear blue sky.  I was mesmerized by their beauty and overcome with joy.  Each day the sky presents me with phenomenal gifts.

As boomer women we spend so much time taking care of others that often we get lost in the chasm.  When we’re in this chasm, we forget to see the beauty around us.  Being aware is one of the most important steps in unleashing who you really are.  What gifts are you allowing into your life; don’t overlook the small things.

Watch the video below and see how nature can really make a difference in your feelings, your mind and your spirit.

Day 2– Go outside and look at the beauty of nature.  Even if it’s raining or gently snowing, look at the pattern the raindrops make and the shape and size of the snowflake.  Of course if you’re experiencing a blizzard, you might want to stand and look out of the window.