e-confi-1Have you ever met someone who is so naturally friendly that she never meets a stranger?  She makes friends easily with almost everyone in no time.  That type of person is called a people-person; she’s unbelievably nice and charismatic and can charm anyone into doing anything.

Her greatness as a socially-empowered person is because of the people that propel her to success.  She earns the trust and all-out support of the people, whom she helped before. She never runs out of help, she’s always giving. She can do anything because there is no shortage of people behind her. All because she knows how to maximize her social potential!

Have you been so busy running hither and yond for everyone else that you’ve neglected yourself?  Do you know your social skills and how to use them to reach self-empowerment?  Self-empowerment makes a total change in your life turning you into a happier and more successful person.  If you can be one of those people-persons, then there’s no reason why you won’t succeed.

Boomer women often find themselves at a crossroads.  As women in the work place, you sometimes feel ‘pushed out’ by the younger women.  Get your sexy back, become the empowered person you know yourself to be.  If you’ve already left the work place, it’s time to find your sweet spot.  You get to reinvent, redefine and empower yourself to create the life you desire for the rest of your life.  The only thing left for you to do is get started.

1. Be authentic.

Pretending will ‘out’ you for the phony that you are and totally defeat your purpose.   Be genuinely nice and interested in people. If they ever think that you are a hypocrite and self-centered, they will not support you.  You will not reach the self-empowerment you desire.

2. Genuinely listen.

It is easier to earn the trust of people when you listen to their problems and empathize with them. Listen with your heart and soul; don’t just hear what they’re saying.  Look the person in the eye when the person talks to you. Listen because every word matters.  Be confidential, people love having a confidante.

3. Be bold.

Laugh out loud! This does not mean forced laughter.  It does mean finding humor in things (especially you) and not being to serious.  Don’t take yourself too seriously.  When you exude an awesome sense of humor; people are automatically attracted to you.  People enjoy being around happy people.

4. Value yourself.

While going from function to function remember to love yourself.  Love and value yourself first.  Know that you are worthy of respect and affection; this emanates and touches everyone you meet. People are attracted to you because they feel your vibes of self love.

5. Be kind always.

Random acts of kindness are appreciated whenever they are given from a genuine heart.  These acts are not always about money.  In fact, many little random acts of kindness matter most to many people.  A random act of kindness can be as simple as “good morning” or giving someone a smile.  There is no better time than now to do a random act of kindness.

6. Stay in touch with old friends.

Many friendships have fallen by the wayside because you think you’re too busy.  Now with the advent of technology, you can stay in touch more easily.  Whenever you think of someone, email, text or call them.  Don’t wait until tomorrow because tomorrow never comes.  Remember tomorrow is today!

7. Be a life long learner.

Are you a complainer and whiner? Going through life complaining and whining will make people FLEE from you!  Get involved in personal development courses and/or a coach to help you eliminate those traits. Who do you think wants a whiner and complainer for a friend?

8. Be confident.

Walk confidently into any room with a winning smile, introduce yourself and be a ray of light.  When people speak of you let them say “she lights up a room with her presence.”

9. Exercise control.

No one wants to be around a snappish, temper tantrum throwing adult.  Take a few minutes before responding to stay calm and speak calmly.  Take control of the situation and transform your anger into something positive and productive.  Be the person that people can come to with problems and concerns knowing that you will always listen calmly and have a soothing answer.  Make it easy for people to come to you.

10. Cultivate your relationships.

Too often we take our most meaningful relationships for granted.  Our significant other becomes like “an old shoe”.  Be careful to cultivate, nurture and show that you cherish your relationships.  Develop a sense of camaraderie, a sense of play and support.  Do things together.  Create joy in each moment because your objective is to keep happiness and laughter close to you and yours.

After all your intent is to be self-empowered by becoming a better and more lovable person, being gracious and charismatic are tools you can use to ensure your success.

Becoming a more loveable person ensures your self-empowerment because you’re empowering others.  The more people who feel you’re trustworthy; a win-win for all.