Do boomer women find themselves running place to place to get out of the way of perceived danger of letting go of old habits and embracing a new way of being? Then getting to the “safe” place discovers the same danger has followed them and is lurking around the corner. The habits of doubt, low self esteem and feeling unloved forcefully appear to keep boomers stuck. It just seems like the busier we are the easier it is to evade dealing with the stress of change.
Are you engaged in behavior and attitudes that support you on your journey of personal growth? Or are you having difficulty meeting your needs, setting reasonable rules and establishing healthy relationships? Imagine the difference your life can be if you spend some time on personal development in quiet reflection deciding who you really are and who you are becoming.
Boomer women know a thing or two about subterfuge and self sabotage; isn’t it time you stop that and start having the life you’ve dreamed about? You can’t hide from yourself!
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