Using your power of choice sets you apart from more than 80% of people.  Spending time wishing and hoping ensures that you are in the 80%.  Taking charge, making a choice and going for it sets you apart.  So don’t let your life just happen – choose it!

One of the secrets of people who know ‘who they really are’ is they choose their life. They choose to set goals and meet challenges.  They choose their lifestyle, their friends, their career, where they live, their spiritual life and everything that deals with their life.

j0433380Just in case you’re wondering “is it as easy as that”?  The answer is yes!  Let me add that it takes work and diligence to stay in your power of choosing.  It’s work because there will always be outside forces, friends, family, news, that present ideas that sound great.  Your choice then is to determine if it fits with ‘who you really are’ and ‘who you are becoming’.

Your power of choice is much like a waterfall.  Once you start using it, it’s hard to stop.  When Michael Jordan was told that he would never be a basketball player, he chose to believe in himself.  Not only did he believe in himself, he practiced until he became unstoppable and is known as one of the greatest players ever!

Day 32 Choose to believe in yourself.  Practice using your power of choice to create the unstoppable, extraordinary life you desire.