Hot Dating Tips for Boomers

Join me, Inez Bracy and Rhonda Cort, the Magnetic Woman, who unleashes the Magnetic Mojo of Boomer & Gen-X women on 6 continents. Ditch the struggle…NATURALLY attract GREAT men, MORE business & UNIQUE opportunities!

Be sure to listen as the Magnetic Woman reveals:

· How you can you can stop feeling mislead by the weary world of Internet dating.

· How you can avoid the fix-ups and the loneliness.

And you’ll learn to…

· Start looking for love in all the RIGHT places!

· Hot ways to double, even triple your dating options!

This is for you and the countless widowed, divorced or never-married Boomers who have turned to the Internet in hopes of finding love—or simply a date, and have been disappointed by the goods on offer.

Join us to listen and login to the chat room with your comments and questions.  You can call in at 646-716-8773.