Awakening this morning to less than 40 degree weather was not my idea of spring.  Especially since I’ve enjoyed mid to upper 70’s over the last couple of weeks!  I’ve relished teasing my family and friends about being out on the porch sipping my coffee in spring like weather.  I haven’t called anyone today!

Just last Saturday, thinking that winter was over, I packed away my winter clothes.  Of course, this morning found me in the garage, rummaging through boxes, pulling out my thickest sweats!  This cold morning reminded me of how starting on a goal is similar to the promise of spring.  You’re so excited, you move with fluidity and grace.  You’re practically “running over yourself” with joy.

You start out with gusto, vim and vigor.  This is what you want and no one can stop you.  Ahhh, something (winter) comes along and snatches you back to your old way of being.  The effort to continue on the goal is just too great.  It’s taking a lot longer that you thought.

This is a clear signal that it’s time to reevaluate.  You might ask yourself, “Is this something I really want or is it something others told me to want?”  When you become lackluster in your approach to achieving your goal it’s easy to blame someone or something for your failure.  Could it be that you’re on a path to self sabotage?

Just as the grass turns green, the flowers slowly bloom and the sun feels delightful; slowly working on your goal with unshakable determination will reward you in a spectacular manner.  You’ll feel the achievement of moving in the direction of your dreams, of creating the life you desire and living boldly.

Even if winter snatches you back; you always get the chance to restart.

What goal do you desire to restart today?