Where ever you are BE THERE!

Wednesday’s Inspirational Thought Where ever you are BE THERE!  This sounds so simple however it’s not easy. Boomer women have become so accustomed to multitasking, thinking about tomorrow and living in expectancy that we forget about this moment. Today, where ever you are and what ever you are doing; give it your full undivided attention.  [...]

2016-11-30T10:55:59-04:00April 14th, 2010|Categories: Boomer Women, Lifestyle|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Day 17 of 45 Day Challenge: Add Value By Being in the Moment

“Living in the moment, yesterday is farther away than it used to be. And, so is tomorrow. They both matter less.”   Jan Denise Yesterday is a memory, tomorrow is a future thought and this moment is all you have.  Being present consciously in the moment empowers you to BE!  Yesterday at my Book Signing for [...]

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