“Living in the moment, yesterday is farther away than it used to be. And, so is tomorrow. They both matter less.”   Jan Denise

e coupleYesterday is a memory, tomorrow is a future thought and this moment is all you have.  Being present consciously in the moment empowers you to BE!  Yesterday at my Book Signing for Rejuvenate Your Life in 21 Days at Back to Nature in Cape Coral, FL I had the pleasure of speaking with a young gentleman about living in the moment.

Interestingly, he could see the value of being in the moment when “my girlfriend and I are having a SERIOUS conversation.”  I suggested to him that his relationships not just with his girlfriend but with all his interactions would be much more valuable and powerful if he would be in the moment at all times.  He gave me the most beautiful smile, deep dimples and all, and said “perhaps.”  I smiled as he walked away.

Are you guilty of being in conversation with someone and your attention wandered or you were so focused on your response that you missed the intent and context of the conversation?  Think about how that made you feel as you promise yourself to practice staying focused in the moment today.

Day 17 Today create Magical Moments for this Fancy Friday by being in each moment. Whatever you’re doing; do with full and complete attention.  If you’re having lunch, savor every morsel, feel the texture of the food, taste the spices and the natural flavors, smell the aroma, resist the urge to rush and resist the urge to think about the project you left undone.

“You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present.”  ~Jan Glidewell