If you could be anyone you want, who would you BE?
What would that ‘BE’ look and feel like? What do you think it would cost you to step into your being-ness? What is it costing you NOT to?
While sitting on the patio this morning sipping coffee and listening to the birds serenade me, I thought about how free they are. They don’t ask for permission to sing, fly, eat, or do any of the numerous things birds do. They pay no attention to the other birds, people, or animals. They just open up with song wherever and whenever they want!
Thinking about the freedom that birds experience caused me to think about us, women, and how we so often wait for permission to be, do, and/or have our desires.
Women throughout the ages have wrestled with those questions.
Wrestling with those questions often stop women from living the life they desire simply because of the boundaries they’ve been given. I don’t know about you, but growing up Southern, I learned a whole lot about who I could and could not be, do, or have. We were told to be seen and not heard. Women don’t talk nor laugh out loud. Women MUST keep their real feelings in check i.e. don’t let anyone know what you’re feeling. AND you mustn’t ever let anyone know what you’re really thinking!
Now we’ve come of age and we’re being taught to be vulnerable, be authentic, speak your mind, know who you are, and be unapologetic in choosing to live your life your way on your own terms.
Do you remember Coke or Pepsi being your favorite drink of choice but ordering Orange or Grape when out on a date because you were told “it’s not ladylike to drink those strong sodas.” (Or was this a Southern thang)
So much of what women were taught seemed to ensure that you would always be lesser and weaker in your endeavors. Even though deep inside you knew you could be so much more, you ignored your intuition. The boundaries given by your Mothers, Aunts and other female care givers, prepared you well to accept less and be less.
No wonder women are walking around with so much anxiety, high blood pressure, and diabetes and now having heart attacks at the rate of men! Wouldn’t it be nice if you could change all of that? You can you know, changing your current state is easier than you think.
Now, a HUGE part of changing your current way of being
requires using your imagination.
When we think of imagination, often, we think of it in terms of coming up with stories, with daydreaming, or with having imaginary friends. That is to say, we think of it as entertainment and certainly as ‘separate’ from the real, ‘everyday’, tasks that occupy our minds the rest of the time.
But, in reality, imagination doesn’t just belong to daydreamers and isn’t just useful for storytellers. Imagination can in fact be a very powerful tool in almost every situation and has almost endless uses and benefits. And when you bring some imagination into your more mundane activities, it can make life seem almost magical.
Using your imagination is easier than you think.
These five steps will help you manage your change so that it is easy and almost effortless.
- The first step to changing is making a decision.
- Once the decision is made, choose one thing, one idea that you’d like to change.
- Write out some steps you will use to achieve this change.
- Spend time thinking about how that change will look, feel and be.
- Start acting on your steps, see yourself as if the change has already happened and feel the emotions.
Frederick J. Eikerenkoetter II, better known as Reverend Ike taught thousands to “Learn How to Harness the power of YOUR OWN MIND to achieve good health, happiness, success, and prosperity! In 52 easy-to-read life-changing chapters, Rev. Ike introduces you to his Science Of Living philosophy and turns you on to a whole new way of thinking!” Using this book, Rev. Ike teaches you how to use your imagination to change your life.
Rev. Ike’s Secrets For Health, Joy and Prosperity, For YOU: A Science Of Living Study Guide
You can BE all that you desire to BE! Take action now on becoming the person you know yourself to be.
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