Wednesday’s Inspirational Thought!

Boomer women, do you feel like you’re being pimped?  Everywhere you look you see messages about “inner voice”.  It seems as if it has become the new rage.  Talk radio, books, internet, magazines and TV all tout something about “inner voice” and it all seems targeted at you!  When I thought about writing this Inspirational Thought for today, I wondered “what could I possibly say that would be different.”

What could I say boomer women that would not give you the feeling of being played or pimped?  After much searching (inner voice) I concluded that you already have more than enough information.

You’ve been bombarded in a myriad of ways with tips on allowing, accessing and meeting your inner voice.

So, my thought for you today is; choose, decide and act on your decision.

  • Choose to acknowledge your inner voice
  • Decide to pay attention to the nuances from your inner voice
  • Act on your decision by honoring the messages received from your inner voice

Boomer women you’re smart enough to know when you’ve received a message from your inner voice.  Recognizing this empowers you and releases you to take full responsibility for your life and live the life you choose.

It’s up to you!

You can design the lifestyle you desire in spite of all that appears to be visible and tangible  present reality.

Your comments are appreciated.  I’d love to hear from you with your thoughts about your inner voice and how you acknowledge it.

If you’d like more information and clear, easy tips for listening to your inner voice click here.


Inez Bracy

Lifestyle Transitions Coach

Award Winning Author