I’ve been paying more attention to the birds lately.  I notice how they flap their wings for about 15 seconds, then catch the wind currents and float easily, effortlessly and endlessly.  The birds just seem to know that all is well and they are provided all they need.  It’s such a beautiful thing to watch.

Watching the birds remind me of a two year old.  She never once thinks that she can’t have whatever she wants, she moves effortlessly as if on a wind current surveying everyone and everything.  She has no doubt that her needs will be met easily and effortlessly.  She’s confident that all will be provided.

When did you lose that confidence boomer woman?  If your wings are your thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and actions are you flapping them to catch the wind currents?  OR are you so stuck in the old belief system and old way of being that you don’t feel the wind?  AND if you feel the wind are you afraid to let go?

What would be different in your life if you recapture that confidence of a two year old and surrender and KNOW that all is well no matter what?  To have the unshakable belief that you are provided all you need.

Wouldn’t it be beautiful to live in a space that you easily and effortlessly go with the flow, no resistance, no pain and no force?  Are you ready and willing to do this?