Once while in Seattle I had the pleasure of driving up Mt. Rainer.  While driving, I looked to the left and saw the snow-covered mountain with what appeared to be a halo hovering over it.  I knew it was a cloud but the thought of a halo kept coming to mind.  I was totally overawed by the sight.  I continued to drive along straight stretches of road and then hairpin turns.  Boy was this exciting for this Florida girl!  

For boomer women creating your dream life is similar to climbing the mountain. Sometimes it seems that ALL is going your way, that you are under a halo and then, suddenly, a hairpin turn!  You ask yourself “what did I do to deserve this turn, this derailment, and this removal of the halo?”  As a boomer woman you regroup, learn from the experience and continue your climb, continue going for your dream.      

Your goal is to climb your mountain, to create the life you dream about and as you continue to climb, the climb becomes steeper, and the less you see the halo the closer you are to your dream life.  It doesn’t mean that the halo is not there; it simply means that it is no longer visible to you or is it just and illusion?  

How much do you want your dream life?  Boomer women realize the halo is an illusion and that by letting go of the illusion you are now in total control of creating and manifesting the life of your dreams.