Isn’t it time you let your real personality through?  It has been waiting for you to recognize how great you really are.  Boomer women have been so many other people for so many years that you agonize over how to be uniquely you.  That’s ok. Deciding to be the person you dream yourself to be takes practice.

As you realign with your essence and unveil who you are really, ideas will come to you that may seem odd at first.  Do not use your old pattern of discounting the idea.  As a boomer woman who is ready for change, follow through on the idea even if it feels uncomfortable.  While talking with a client the other day, she told me how much she enjoyed eating out but was unable to now because she didn’t have anyone to go out with.

She’s grown tired of waiting for someone to go out with and there are restaurants she’d like to try.  Each time she walk past a restaurant, she would look in and see happy couples and families enjoying themselves.  She never sees the single boomer woman enjoying herself (even though she’s there.)

This is one of the exercises I suggested to her.  If you as a boomer woman are having a similar difficulty, you might also find this helpful.

Your task now is to practice in the privacy of your home the thoughts, attitudes and behaviors you will have as you take yourself out to dine.  As you walk into the dining room of your home, imagine that you’re walking up to the door of your chosen restaurant; open the door, walk in and when the hostess asks “how many” say “one”.  See yourself smiling as you follow the hostess to the table, sitting down and looking around.  Read the menu, place your order.  As you’re waiting for your food to arrive, look around the restaurant and play a game in your head about who the other customers are and what type of life they have.  Then see yourself eating your meal, paying for it and smiling as you leave the restaurant.  Feel the emotions and good feeling you will have as you treat yourself.

You can add as many steps to your practice as you feel necessary.  One caution, boomer women have become very good at avoidance and procrastination.  Set a time limit for your practice and then go out and dine!