Tips on how boomer women prepare for the day

What do you say to yourself and think before you go to sleep at night?  What is your first thought upon awakening and what do you say to yourself? These are very important questions for boomer women because you have the power to cause a peaceful night’s sleep as well as a joyous day.  Preparing [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:02-04:00February 2nd, 2010|Categories: Boomer Women, Desires, Lifestyle|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Problem-solving the boomer woman way

Are you in the middle of what seems like an unsolvable problem?  You catch yourself saying that there could be no other solution to a problem – and that problem leads to a dead end.  You know as a boomer woman that you’ve spent your life solving problems.  However you’re feeling stumped knowing that the [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:02-04:00January 26th, 2010|Categories: Boomer Women, Desires, Lifestyle|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Magical Monday: Conscious Parenting

There was a commercial on TV that always caught my attention: "It's 11:00, do you know where your children are?"  Not having any children of my own, I wondered "wouldn't parents know where their children are this time of night?"  I soon discovered that many parents didn't know where their children were and did not [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:05-04:00January 25th, 2010|Categories: Desires, Lifestyle|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Dust off your boomer women dreams

Boomer women, at some point of your life, you dreamed of being somebody special, somebody big. You’ve fantasized about being the one who wins best actress. You dreamed of being the supermom.  And how many times have you dreamed of being rich, or successful, or happy in your relationships? Many of your dreams have changed [...]

3 Truths revealed on how boomer women break habits

Are your habits holding you hostage?  Every time you think you are moving forward, something comes along and knocks you back!  As a boomer woman you really want to transform your life but can’t quite “get it right”.  Negative habits grate on your nerves and your emotions much like a frayed rope.  You know that [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:05-04:00January 21st, 2010|Categories: Boomer Women, Desires, Lifestyle|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Magical Monday: Queen for a Day

Inez Bracy and special guest Linda Sacha, author of Queen for a Day - Reclaiming Your Happiness One Birthday at a Time -  just released from Gotham Books, will discuss the importance of celebrating womanhood.  Women wear many hats --Linda believes that one should be a crown.  Women strive for life balance and are encouraged in [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:05-04:00January 18th, 2010|Categories: Boomer Women, Desires, Lifestyle|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

How to conquer worry in your boomer years

There is so much to worry about these days.  Many boomer women have developed a habit of worrying.  If things are going smoothly, they start to worry “when will this end” or “it’s too good to last” or “how did I get this good thing”.  Boomers engage in negative imagery to the point where they [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:05-04:00January 15th, 2010|Categories: Desires, Lifestyle, Lifestyle Transitions|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Be willing to see your truth

We’ve lived long enough as boomers to have so many filters in place that we can ‘color’ incoming information to fit whatever situation we’re in.  We filter with our fears, anxieties and desires.  To deal effectively with the changes we desire in creating our dream life and our environment boomer women must acknowledge their truth.  [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:05-04:00January 13th, 2010|Categories: Desires, Goals, Lifestyle|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

New Roles Require New Self-Image

As boomer women change their thoughts, attitudes and behaviors it’s of utmost importance that boomer women change their self-image.  If you’ve seen yourself as the worker, wife, mother, divorcee, widow, grandmother and all of the other roles boomer women take on, your new idea of self may not be congruent with those roles. Even though [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:05-04:00January 10th, 2010|Categories: Boomer Women, Desires, Goals, Lifestyle|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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