What does one put in their online dating profile?

Internet/online dating is all the rage.  I’ve noticed that the online dating sites are targeting boomers in their TV commercials.  They show couples who’ve met on their site and have established long term relationships or marriage saying “joining the site was the best thing they ever did”. After seeing a few ads, I decided to [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:00-04:00March 20th, 2010|Categories: Boomer Women, Lifestyle|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

What is Hollywood telling boomer women?

Seeing The Watchmen, The Surrogates and The Avatar I discovered a common theme.  Could it be that boomers have lived their lives so focused on survival and one upmanship, control and ego that they’re missing out on what their brain can truly do and the life they can truly have? In each of the mentioned [...]

How to conquer worry in your boomer years

There is so much to worry about these days.  Many boomer women have developed a habit of worrying.  If things are going smoothly, they start to worry “when will this end” or “it’s too good to last” or “how did I get this good thing”.  Boomers engage in negative imagery to the point where they [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:05-04:00January 15th, 2010|Categories: Desires, Lifestyle, Lifestyle Transitions|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Boomer Women & Self-Acceptance

The most miserable people in the world are those who continually strive to be like someone else, never fully accepting themselves.  Boomer women have finally come into the age of accepting themselves and feeling relief and satisfaction in knowing that they are enough.  Boomers have learned that they are not their mistakes and the total [...]

2016-11-30T10:56:05-04:00January 11th, 2010|Categories: Boomer Women, Lifestyle, Lifestyle Transitions|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Boomer Women Arouse Your Enthusiasm!

Boomer women arouse your enthusiasm!  Think about what this may mean and what it ought to mean in finally having the life you desire.  Think of what it may mean to you socially; of the friendships, increase in personal satisfaction, and unknown opportunities.  Enthusiasm for boomers is contagious.  It is a powerful way to live [...]

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