Boomer women, at some point of your life, you dreamed of being somebody special, somebody big. You’ve fantasized about being the one who wins best actress. You dreamed of being the supermom.  And how many times have you dreamed of being rich, or successful, or happy in your relationships?

Many of your dreams have changed over the years and that’s great.  You’ve dreamed big with great aspirations. Unfortunately, your dreams remain just that – dreams. And your aspirations easily collect dust in the attic of your mind.

For boomer women this is a sad turn of events.  Instead of experiencing exciting adventures in self actualization, are you caught up in the humdrum of living from day-to-day?

Your life doesn’t have to be this way.  Wouldn’t your life be so much better, if only you learned to release limiting beliefs?

Learning to release limiting beliefs for boomer women begins with acknowledging that you have the power of choice.  You have the power to let go of a system of beliefs, attitudes and behaviors that no longer serve you.  Boomer women are hung up thinking I can’t do this.  It’s too hard. It’s too impossible. No one can do this.

Your language is so important.  When boomer women think and speak in impossible negative language, you’re setting yourself up to guarantee that your dreams remain in the attic of your mind.  Simply by changing your thinking and speaking in possible, positive language you open the doors of the Universe to reactivate your dreams and move them from the attic to the forefront of your mind.

Using positive language, boomer women effortlessly set goals, develop a plan and follow through.

I’m not saying that the change is going to happen over night, even though it’s possible.  I am saying that using your power of choice, having a plan of action, persistence and clarity you can create the life of your dreams.

What dream is gathering dust in the attic of your mind?  Are you ready to dust off your dreams and go for it?