There is so much to worry about these days.  Many boomer women have developed a habit of worrying.  If things are going smoothly, they start to worry “when will this end” or “it’s too good to last” or “how did I get this good thing”.  Boomers engage in negative imagery to the point where they become fearful even though there’s no evidence of anything wrong.  This fear projects itself into your emotions creating tension.

The tension causes boomer women to worry more; worrying about something negative becomes a self fulfilling prophesy.  Then boomers can say “I knew that it was too good to be true” or “I knew it couldn’t last”.  Boomer women don’t stop to think that their focus and energy determine the outcome.

Now how do boomers stop worrying?  Dr. Matthew Chappell says “the best way to cure worry is to make a habit out of immediately substituting pleasant, wholesome, mental images, for unpleasant worry images.”  Each time you find yourself worrying, immediately fill your mind with pleasant mental pictures.  As boomers we have a storehouse of pleasant mental pictures so choose one immediately to cure worry.  As you continue this practice of replacement you will begin to notice that you worry less and that your life is happier.

There will always be something to worry about.  Will you choose to break the habit of worrying and embrace the freedom of enjoying pleasant mental pictures?