the beach at lastDid you awaken this morning as a champion saying “Thank God It’s Monday” bouncing out of bed with arms lifted high singing a joyous tune?  Or did you follow an old pattern of “it is Monday uugggghhhh….”  The way you start the day set’s the tone and energy for living the champion life or not.

Now here’s the secret; even if you didn’t get started as a champion, you CAN change!  Awesome!

At anytime during the day you can decide to change your attitude from non-champion to champion.  I’m not saying that this is going to be easy; it will take some effort.  First acknowledge your feelings.  Second, make an agreement with yourself to change the feeling to a champion one.  Third, honor your agreement; it might take longer than you think, stick with it, even if something comes along to validate the non-champion feeling.

Champions take full responsibility for their life, they look for and expect the positive and create joy from the inside out.  Living the champion life requires effort, that you become fully aware and that you choose to live in the moment.

Day 20 Decide to live the champion life.  In all that you do today, ask “is this supporting my champion life.”